Saturday, January 31, 2009

Search for the lost glory!

Life, it seems is a journey filled with colors bold. I am told without these colors the journey is incomplete.

The journey started with a cry to mark the presence in the world, moments then filled with smiles looking at the stars, wanting to play with the moon, mumbles of unknown words with unidentified meaning while the heart yearned for nothing, with confidence abundant, as the familiarity set of known and unknown the days passed while the moments spread joy around for people, it expected nothing in return.

There were bright sunny days, some cloudy days while a few dull days nothing but the routine set it, heart which once spread happiness, bliss and love; now longer spread these through the presences- it felt!

Deep down in the heart still the moments of bliss is fresh and  confined to the space, while it loves, adores, respects through all these shades of life , it makes every attempt to share the shades with the known, unknown of human race.

It secretly cries while it makes a colossal attempt not to share with the world known the reason for those warm tears, those it is told are not meant to be showcased to the world.

It questions the nature “ Why Me always?” While it seeks a response, it gets none.

Deep down all it yearns is unconditional love and happiness, it cries out aloud to the nature “when I came to your world, I spread happiness, love and bliss, I brought instant smiles on all those charming faces which looked at me, Where has all this gone?”  Can you please return them to me?

With a hope to get lost glory it beats at a normal pace thud-thud-dud-dud...

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