Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beyond Imperfection

** Thoughts have just been spilt! There is utter randomness in this piece of write up, you may choose to ignore this post. Its my sheer frustration taking absurd shape.

Well, Its been quiet a while since I last posted! Is it that I am too busy with work that I have no time to post?, Is that i am tied up with life that I have no time for self or is it sheer laziness?
Well I still don't have an answer... While I ponder , there are bubbles of unconnected thoughts that strike the mind.
No! Its not the related answers for the question I started looking for!

Randomly I hit many thoughts,
Why is earth such a beautiful place to live in? Who created it?
God!? Science says Big Bang! but hold on!
Whats the reason for Big Bang? Who or what was behind Big Bang?
Well where did the concept of God come in? We have been all the while in total faith and belief that the person up above does exist in same existence as ours!
Well why is that we cant see him/her? Whats the power?... now its goes unconnected!
What is power? electricity? no! more than that? Qualitative? Quantitative? who was responsible, well we all know how it gets generated! Thanks to the human mind we know how to measure.... May be not completely!
who can define infinity?

I suddenly spurge to India... What about it? Well I am an Indian! So what ?...there are 1 billion+ fellow Indians... No Its not about that...
Its about the people who live in the country and still and not satisfied!

A mode of frustration sets in now! my heart just wants to spill all of those thoughts into words with no connectivity but sheer randomness I start!

I cannot sit through the conversations! - The lunch/dinner/coffee table where people rant about the country they belong to, they live, they survive, still see the sun , moon and the stars! breathe the same air as others...
Well what is that they complain about?
It starts at a very basic level of roads in India, the potholes in the roads?
I now wonder to think, have they ever for once thought how as children they must have enjoyed the joy of seeing a filled pothole after heavy rain?
if we never had potholes we would have never known what a puddle is? We could have never enjoyed our childhood splashing rain water accounted in the puddle, sailing the paper boats made from newspapers and pamphlets!...
so why is potholes and narrow roads such a big issue today and not yesterday, when we grew up in the same lanes playing galli cricket! Lagori! didn't they at that time wonder the roads and by lanes to be narrow? why are they complaing now? Because they have grown up? seen the greener pasture of other lands ? I still don't seem to get answer!
Their next latent crib is issue about infrastructure!
one say over the coffee table " Our cities infrastructure is so bad! There is absolutely no quality of work! See "XYZ" country. Boy , the city is so clean, pure and neat! and our CM says he would transform our city like XYZ! Does he even know what it takes to reach there? even in another 50 yrs we cant!"
So I wonder what is stopping you to try? and what the hell does this person want?
Well ! I know XYZ country is clean, neat and pollution free! what about it now? Does this person know what it takes to build a country which has a heritage of 5000+ years? ruled by thousands of kings and queens and how much it takes to stand together as a country and brave the odds??? Does this person have the faintest idea how many muliticultures exist within this one country? how many ethnic groups we have? Number of existing tribes in our forest? Well so what if the rest of the world think we are snake charmers? still we do earn our bread butter! we still do lead a happy life! we still do have families who care! we still have the same sun, moon and the air! We see day just the way rest of the world see it!
Yea, now the conversation slowly drifts to power! I mean Electricity! The next person now picks up this new idea of electricity! and here goes the rant " hey guys. know what there was no power yesterday evening! its so frustrating to have no power"
Yea! seconds the other! " all the work gets pending, u know i missed the sass bi serial yesterday because of it!"
Now its my turn to think... So what if there is no power? did we not eat because there was no power? did we forget to sleep? so what is the whole issue here? my thoughts jog backward how as a kid i really enjoyed these unscheduled power cuts! it only meant long chats with appa, amma, cousins, aunts and uncles till the power was restored, we sang our way to glory with antakashri's, word buildings, GK quiz... I didn't miss any fun, I was part of it all through!
why is that a power cut today such a big issue? are we so dependent on electricity? cant we survive?
Well answer is we certainly can! Just imagine how people survived centuries back with no power all day and night! I am certain we still can do it if need arises.
Is sass bi serials so important in one's life that you really forget to look beyond it??

Well these rant continues with political carnage, pollution, weather etc etc, I already know I am choking myself and cant afford to sit there any longer! Not that I didn't air my opinion! its only that people fail to look beyond!

Folks, all I want to convey is simple! " To find true happiness, look beyond imperfections! , you will certainly find it!" True Happiness does not exist in Luxury, State of Art Technology... It exist in each heart bundled as moments of bliss, experience it everyday, all through!
Just see and count all the good things we already have!
Instead of being happy and blessed, we rant and crib....Can you do something about it? change the system! Please go ahead and do! we support your cause!
Else if you are helpless like me, at least please don't turn down my country! Remember you still live here, you still breathe here! its your country, Its our country!
We certainly owe quiet a lot to existence and nature!Lets stay blissful!